How to improve in league of legends 2016
How to improve in league of legends 2016

This toggle being active is indicated by the center of your cursor turning red. When this setting is activated, all you must do is press the key it's bound to and you become unable to click on anything that isn’t a champion. Thankfully, activating “Toggle Champions Only” can change that. The sound of all those question mark pings just haunts you in your sleep. Nothing feels worse than being the Twisted Fate who flash gold cards a minion during an extremely important teamfight.

  • Bind “Player Attack Move Click” and “Player Attack Move” to your preferred bindings.
  • how to improve in league of legends 2016

  • Scroll down to “Player Movement” section.
  • This is great when establishing a zone of control and trading while the enemy is at arm’s length.

    how to improve in league of legends 2016

    Identifying Range: This setting has the added benefit of showing you what your range looks like (including range altering abilities/items). Just be mindful that your champion might randomly stop moving since they're clearing a ward. As a jungler this is extremely helpful when you're moving across river or camps while keeping an eye on your laners. Even players like Doublelift use this to their advantage!Ĭlearing Wards: A nice trick is to attack move click to your destinations to clear any pick wards that might be on the way. This can be the difference between kiting in high-intensity situations and just straight up dying. This avoids those awkward stutter-stepping moments when you should be attacking.Īccuracy: As stated before, having this setting turned on to make the days of misclicks be a thing of the past. There’s also the attack move click option if you prefer to not have a range indicator on your screen.Īttack Move Click causes you to attack the enemy nearest to your cursor while prioritizing champions. I'm happy to say that there's actually a setting to help with that! It's called "Player Attack Move" and has plenty of uses. This feels absolutely horrible and can even lose you games at times. You're kiting like a mad man and right as you're about to deal the killing auto-attack, you click next to them causing you to miss and the enemy gets away with 10hp while spamming mastery. You're minding your own business, farming your wave, and suddenly, a huge fight breaks out in your lane.

    how to improve in league of legends 2016

    Here are 5 awesome settings to help you improve your game drastically! Player Attack Move So today we're going to discuss a way to make your life a little easier while you're on the road to becoming the next king of Summoner's Rift. Be it champion mastery, wave control, mechanics, macro play, lane matchups, you name it.

    #How to improve in league of legends 2016 how to#

    When learning how to improve at League of Legends there's an overwhelming number of things to discover.

    How to improve in league of legends 2016